Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 21, 2016

Thanks for talking to Will a bet he really appreciated it.!!
well thats good!! thanks for being great parents and helping him out.  o and have you seen the new church thing for chirstmas?
Its honestly the greatest haha hey i have to go cause its a little late but i love you guys and thanks for your prayers

November 14, 2016

The field is ready!!
 This week has been great!!  Its been full of following the spirit. We had to do 2 interchanges with the district leaders this week and i got a chance to be with them both.  I really was reminded of something this week that i hope i never forget.  If you really want to help someone, you must love them and know them.  And not just know the way they work or their family but what they want to accomplish in life and what they have accomplished in life.  If they think that their accomplishments have value to do them or are they just events.  I was able to see that when i listen they listen.  When i teach they too teach.  But when am angry they too are angry.  When i am frustrated they are frustrated.  You reap what you sow haha.  The two interchanges that i went on this week were very edifying.  This week we also had a group service project in Buena Fe.  We helped paint a city office building because the president of Ecuador went to Buena Fe that week and we offered to help clean before he came it was really fun.  I know that the president really apriecated the Mormons because his wife is actually a Mormona haha.  So he thinks that we are really dope! 
Yesterday was a great day.  This whole week has been kinda tuff because we have had a few meetings to go to and this big service project so we havent been in our sector for too much time.  But God really wanted to help us out because he really loves us.  Yesterday towards the end of the day we found a family of 5!! and they are so ready.  Ive never seen such listening and intrigued ears in my entire life.  We spoke to them that God Loves everyone of his children and only wants the best for them.  We explained the comanment of Baptism and how it is a way to erase the mistakes that we have commited in the past and to start over and turn a new blank page.  We were promted to read with them when Jesus was baptized and how he really showed an example.  And we asked them why they think that Jesus was baptized by Juan not just any other dude on the street and i think i saw a light bulb pop up in everyone of their heads and they all said because he was chosen.  That is when we told them of the youg boy that was also chosen from God and received his authority.  They were all very interested and wanted to know more.  We committed them all to be baptized the 31st of December!! They are going to have a great new year!!  Its a family of 3 kids. One has 25 years the other is 19 and the little girl is 12 so they can all be baptized together.  
well a bunch of other stuff happened too but i dont have enough time to write it all 
Choa Amigos!!
i wanted to know if i could buy a suit for christmas. there is a guy that sells them here for 100 bucks
hows president Trump doing hehe
yes and i have to go right now and thanks for the suit my suit right now is a wreck, its got like abunch of holes in it haha
i love you and i wanted you to do a favor, can you just send a text or somthing to Will and tell him that i love him and im thinking about him because i heard that he is not doing to well right now, its kinda seemed like its all just been down hill for him since i left ha ha

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

November 7, 2016

Sorry i didnt write last week its been a little tough on time lately haha but i still love you guys dont worry.  Today we went to the registro Civil because we are helping 2 families to be married and after to be baptized.  Its been super busy and its honestly tough to tell you everything in words but its been going by so fast lately.  I hope you guys had a great halloween.  On monday i was so buisy that i forgot it was halloween the whole day haha but thanks for celebrating it for me!!!!  I really love working.  Ive noticed that its has become a passion.  like baseball is sometimes a passion for others and football for others.  Well i decided that this is my passion.  I honestly dont want to stop doing it.  haha.  The only thing that stresses me sometimes is not having enough time during the day to get all the things done.  There is literally not enough time in the day todo all that i want haha

the familys are the Rodriguez and the family Cadena

they were already being taught 
Sing happy birthday to cammie for me and if dad can do it in spanish

how was halloween

the pics are great allyssa nailed it!!! and I love the moon boots!!! (the moon boots are Caleb's)
Allyssa's inspriration


well i got to go mom and dad i really love you guys and always think of you of examples and brag to my companion and investigadores about how great youve done has parents!! I really love you guys

October 31, 2016


Not so Happy Halloween!

No letter this week!